Friday, January 16, 2009

I haven't been blogging daily. I am sorry. Each day seems pleasantly the same. I wake up to the sound of the ocean. I drink a few cups of coffee while sitting on the porch, glancing at the ocean while turning a page of Dreams from My Father by Barack Obama. When I see a rainbow I grab my camera and take a picture (there were four rainbows yesterday morning). Yesterday, Ken's mom invited me to lunch with her group of yoga friends (They do yoga on the beach twice a week) we had a great time. Then I took a nap listening to the palm leaves frolicking in the breeze. We went to the CG base exchange to buy wine and to the Super Coop for supper supplies. I made a fine veggie soup, biscuits, and chocolate butter cookies. I followed my two blogs and felt I should blog, if for no other reason than the act of blogging itself. It would be easy to fall out of the habit. So there it is my day yesterday.


Cathy said...

i'm so envious! first of all, i love the beach. it's where i'd happily have my dream house, which is simply a cottage on/near the beach.
and the easy going days: i lived in bermuda many years ago for 8 months...gosh, everytime i read your blog, i am gripped by the--i can't think of the right word--atmosphere? attitude? peacefulness?--anyway, i just envy you!

Anonymous said...

Which way from here? I think you are THERE. Stay as long as possible! I hope Ken is feeling better...maybe he played around in that manure too much!
Hazel, Jack and I are headed to the fair tonight!
Cotton candy, elephant ears and candy apples are on the menu for dinner! YUM.
I really loved you last cloud photo...I agree with you on the great grain and contrast!