Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Cherry Blossom Festival - D.C

Sunday morning we woke early for an adventure in D.C. to take part in the Cherry Blossom Festival. The weather was perfect, blue skies and cool. We found parking without any trouble, only three blocks from the White House. We got a warm cup of coffee and fell in with the early morning crowd. First walking by the White House around to the Mall, then to the Jefferson and Roosevelt memorials. Man made and natural beauty everywhere we wondered.


Grammatically Delicious Designs said...

So how is it going? Are you starting to get a feel for where you want to 'be'? Feel free to come to ND to visit. We will be happy to let you stay with us.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you got to see this! I love the cherry blossoms. What else did you see? I'm glad you're posting again!