Saturday, February 6, 2010

Super snowy Saturday

This week was a frenzy of snow gossip. Rumors that there was going to be 4 feet of snow this weekend... could it be true? The grocery stores were unbearable but you couldn't risk getting snowed in without milk, toilet paper, Cheetos, and Oreo cookie ice cream.

The rumors were true! The above video was our one attempt at a walk. It turned into a snow angel and a walk down the front path and back.

18 weeks

Two Fridays ago my friend Cecily, her daughter, and I spent some time at the Baltimore Museum of Art. The museum is a short walk from our neighborhood, we could have walked but it was much to cold. It was almost to cold to get out of the car.

Friday, January 1, 2010


So much has happened in the past decade...

Dad took me on my first train trip to Arizona. I met and fell in love with Ken. Turned 21. I graduated from college. I explored Seattle. We bought a house. Got married. Traveled to Italy. Bought furniture and then sold all of our things to move to Juneau, Alaska. New jobs. New friends. Lost very dear family members. Explored Southeast Alaska and the Northwest of the United States. Met Sarah Palin. Obama became president. Lost our jobs. Traveled to NY, PR, FL, SC, NC, and stopped in Baltimore, MD. New jobs again. New friends. Turned 30. Found out there will be a new Lewis. And these are just the bullet points! What a amazing and fantastic decade! I am very excited about what's to come!